Lehmann Henschke - Person Sheet
NameCHERRYMAN, Mary Ann 
Birthca 1863
Immigration7 Feb 1874, ‘Forfarshire’26856 Age: 11
Death9 Dec 1942, SA26856 Age: 79
The Advertiser (Adelaide, SA : 1931 - 1954) Wed 14 Jan 194226856
OBITUARYMrs. T. Chivell, who died on De-cember 9, was a well-known and re-spected resident of Long Plains andMallala districts. She was born inKent, England, 78 years ago, andcame to Australia with herparents, the late William andMary Ann Cherryman in the sail-ing ship Forfarshire in 1877. Herparents went to Mallala to live, andher father later worked on the lateSir Richard Butler's property. In1882, she married Thomas Chivell.and resided in Mallala and sur-rounding districts until her deathShe was a lifelong member of theChurch of Christ. Besides herhusband, two sons, three daugh-ters, 19 grandchildren, and threegreat-grandchildren survive.
Death1945 Age: 86
Marriage14 Sep 1882, Christian Chapel, Mallala, SA26857,26855