The Advertiser (Adelaide, SA : 1889 - 1931) Fri 11 Apr 1913
6215 Mrs. M. E. Lehmann, who died at the
residence of her dauchter. at Julia Creek,
on Apnl 1. was a colonist of 62 years, hav-
ing arrived at Port Adelaide with her bro-
ther, the late Mr. A. Kluske, of Eudunda,
in 1852, after a 26 weeks vovage from Ham-
burg. She proceeded with her brother to
Blumberg, where, in 1855. she w
as marriedto Mr. F. Lehmann, who settled nearKapunda to follow farming pursuits. Aftera residence there of 14 years the faniilvremoved to Julia Creek, where Mr. Leh-mann grew the first wheat. Mr. Lehmanndied in 1869. as the result of a vehicle ac-cident. There are three sons Messrs. F.J H. and William, of near Wilmingtonand Kingswood respectively-and sixdaughters-Mrs. C. H. Schiller, of Ham-mond, and Mesdames Schulz (2), Richards.Nayda-and one widowed daughter, ofPoint Pass; also 50 grand- 32 great-grand,and one great-great-grandchild, a total of92 descendants.