Lehmann Henschke - Person Sheet
NamePAMMENTER, Frederick Ernest
BurialPort Pirie, SA81551
Recorder (Port Pirie, SA : 1919 - 1954) Fri 18 Oct 194081551
DEVOTED TO HOMEAND FAMILYMR. F. E. PAMMENTERPASSES AT 60Married in House OfWife's BirthPirie lost one of its most respectcdcitizens with the passing in Pirie Hospital of Mr. Frederick Ernest Pammenter at the age of 60 years.Mr Pammenter's death caused thefirst break in a family of nine chil-dren. He was born in Hundred ofPirie on April 1O, 1880, and wasbrought up by his parents-Mr. andMrs. Thomas Pammenter-on theirfarm in that district.He was educated at Hundred ofPirie School and Pirie School, and inhis early youth lie worked on farms inthe district. When he first came toPirie in 1899. Mr Pammenter startedin a butchering business in Tenthstreet. Pirie West, and remained therefor several years.in 1904 he was married to MissAdelaide Nunan by Rev. George Hill,the wedding being celebrated in thehouse in Moorhouse street, Solomontown, where his widow still lives, Mrs.Pammenter was born in one room ofthe house, and in the adjoining roomshe was married to Mr. Pammenter.Their three children were born underthe same roof.The house, which has a. little storeattached, is nearly 100 years old nowand Mrs. Pammenter's parents wereprobably the first occupants of thebuilding. She was 61 years of agelast Friday.WAS STANCH DRUIDMr. Pammenter was devoted to hiswife family, and home, and was beloved of all who knew him. Everything he did was for his family. Hewas a quiet, respected member ofCongregational Church, and was astanch brother in the Ancient Orderof Druids. He had been in that organisation for more than 30 years.He was engaged for many years onthe bottom floor of the Smelters inthe contractors' gang, and left thereabout 12 years ago. Two years later,soon after the marriage of his eldestdaughter, he went into business ina shop in Parks street, Solomontown,and about three years later he trans-ferred his mixed business to the shopadjoining his last home.The only sport in which Mr. Pammenter took an active part was withPirie Quoits Club. He was takensuddenly ill on May 27 of this year.Mr. Pammenter is survived by hiswife and three children. 'They areMr, Frederick James Pammenter (Afford road), Janet, Mrs. E. M, Olds(Esmond road), and Doris, Mrs. E. G,Stanley (Hundred of Pirie). There isone grandson and three granddaugh-ters.There are eight surviving brothersand sisters. They are:-Mary (Mrs.M. A. Pearce), James, Ethel (Mrs. E.Franks), Oscar, Will, Florence, Allan,and Geoffrey.There was a large gathering of re-latives and friends at the burial ser-vice in Pirie Cemetery yesterday after-noon. Revs. D. L. Benton (PortElliot), Harry Wood (CongregationalChurch) and J. I. Williamson (St. An-drew's Presbyterian) were the officiat-ing clergy. Pallbearers were Messrs.F. S. Dodd, D. Easson. F. Hudson, H.L. Saudery, K. Welsh, and E. Wallers.
Birth11 Oct 1879, Solomontown, SA81548
Death1964, SA81549 Age: 84