Lehmann Henschke - Person Sheet
NameCHARNSTROM, William Jonas 
The Kyneton Observer (Vic. : 1856 - 1900) Tue 21 Aug 1900125830
Fatal Boiler ExplosionAt Eudunda (8.A.), on Friday evening aboiler explosion took place at Edwin Davey &Sons' flour mills, William Charnstrom, nightengine-driver was killed. Charnstrom wasfound 6ft from the boiler under a buttressweighing half a ion, with his neck broken.The smallest of the three boilers, measuring18ft by 5ft, was blown bodily through a galvanisediron wheat store, stacked with branand wheat, across the railway, tearing theline up. It appears the bearings becameheated, and the mill was stopped to allow thebearings to cooL It had jost restarted whenthe disaster ooenrrod. Charnstrom leavesa wife and ten children.
Marriage10 Aug 1870, Congregational Church, Truro, SA125832
Marr MemoTeamstrom