Lehmann Henschke - Person Sheet
NameMARKHAM, Frederick George 
Birthca 1866
Leader (Orange, NSW : 1899 - 1945) Mon 26 May 1941126124
OBITUARY.MR. FREDERICK G.MARKHAM.A native of Wollongong, and wellknown in the Orange district, wherehe cam an a young man, followingthe life of a teamster for some time,finally acquiring an orchard property,Mr. Frederick G. Markham passedaway at his home at 74 Kite Street,Orange, yesterday. Aged 75, he wasill only a few days. During his resi-dence here the late Mr. Markhambuilt up a reputation for steadfasthonesty, and, following the occupa-tion of an orchardist for many years,deceased retired and for several yearshad been living in Orange. De-ceased, in addition to his wife, issurvived by six children and sixgrandchildren, while one step-sister,Mrs H. Howarth (Orange), also sur-vive.The grown-up family is :—Ernest (Orange), Mrs. Wearing(Hurstville), Miss I. Markham (Or-ange), Mrs. Welsford (Nashdale),Mrs. Rodgers (Newcastle), andGeorge (Orange). His funeral willleave his late residence in Kite Streetto-morrow (Tuesday), for the Me-thodist Church, and, after a service,proceed to the Methodist portion ofthe Orange cemetery, A. McGrathhaving charge of the arrangements.
Death1952, Orange, NSW Age: 80
Marriage1894, Orange, NSW