Lehmann Henschke - Person Sheet
NameMIETHKE, Carl Emil Reinhard 
Birthca 1841
Immigration14 Oct 1850, ‘San Francisco’300 Age: 9
Death28 May 1910, Hamilton, Vic12482 Age: 69
MemoKanawalla, Vic
Hamilton Spectator (Vic. : 1870 - 1918) Mon 30 May 191012482
ITEMS OF NEWS.SETTLER'S SUDDEN DEATH.A tragically sudden death occurredon Saturday morning on Mr. J. G.Stewart's portion of the Kanawallaestate, the victim being Mr.,EmilReinhardt Miethke, a farmer, aged 72years. It appears that after eat-ing a hearty breakfast Mr. Miethkewent, out on the farm as usual.Shortly afterwards he returned, andcomplained that he did not feel verywell. He sat down, and before, medi-cal aid could be procured he wasdead. Mrs. Miethke was the onlyother person in the house at thetime, the sons being engaged on thefarm. Dr. Laidlaw was summoned,and on arrival pronounced the opi-nion the the cause of death washeart failure. Mr. Miethke was oneof the mallee farmers who were at-tracted to Willaura, but after re-maining there for a time he secureda block on Kanawalla, where he hasbeen residing for the last couple ofyears. The remains will be interredthis afternoon, the funeral leavingthe late residence of the deceased, onHensleigh -Park road, at one o'clock
Birth1 Sep 1849, Lobethal, SA12484
Death1874, Horsham, Vic Age: 24
Marriage24 Feb 1873, Mount Gambier, SA12485
Memomother Frederica
Memofather’s name August?