Leader (Angaston, SA : 1918 - 1954) Thursday 15 April 1943
1376066-Yr Greenock Bachelor
Found Dead
JOHANN Alfred Kaleske. 66
year bachelor of Greenock
was found dead there at about
10 p.m. on Saturday. He was
seen sitting on the hotel veran-
dah seat at about 5 pm., and
appeared to have dropped off to
Two men helped him to a
more comfortable place at side
of the building, and when rain
began to fall at about 10 p.m.,
one of them went back to see
if Mr Kalleske bad gone home.
He was still in the same place,
and appeared lifeless.
Dr Hoopmann was called and
found death due to natural caus-
es. MC Armstrong submitted a
report to the Coroner (Mr G.
Heath, JP), who deemed an in-
quest unnecessary. Mr Kalles-
ke. who grew up in Greenock,
was a son of the late Mr and
Mrs H. Aug. Kalleske, had a
happy disposition and was a re
liable worker.
He returned only recently to
Greenock after 23 years' service
for Mr J. E. Neldner, Freeling,
on his Loxton property. I.atter-
ly he had been helping his neph-
ew, Mr Alb. Kalleske, Moppa,
with the vintage. Two of his
brothers, August and Ted, died
with similar suddenness in recent
Rev. W. J. Stafford minister-
ed at the funeral at Greenock on
Sunday; bearers being Messrs L
Bockmann, W. Lange, S. Cundy,
W. Braunack, M. E. Burrows
and P. Lange. Two brothers
and two sisters are left; Harry
and George, Greenock; Mrs C.
W. Hammerling, Nuriootpa; and
Mrs Hocking, Jamestown.