The Advertiser (Adelaide, SA : 1889 - 1931) Tuesday 13 May 1902
Burra, May 11.
An inquest was held to-day at Gum
Creek by Mr. K. W. Crewes concerning the
death of Johann Gottlieb Przibilla, who
was found drowned in a waterhole near
Gum Creek station, about seven miles west
of Burra.
M.C. Grosser said he proceeded to the
creek, and with a long rake recovered the
body. The deceased was fully dressed,
with the exception of the hat, which was
also in the hole. There were no marks
of violence on the body, or suspicions cir-
cumstances surrounding tbe fatality. There
were marks on the edge of the hole, as if
the deceased had slipped, and finger marks
at the edge of the water as if some per-
son had been struggling to get out of the
hole. The banks were steep at that side
and slippery. The hole was about 8 ft.
Henry Christian Przibilla identified the
body as that of his father, a farmer of
Yongala. Last saw him at about 9.30 on
Friday morning. He was then in company
with witness and his brother with a team
going from Farrell's Flat to Yongala. De-
ceased left them to walk across by a short
cut through the Gum Creek homestead pad-
dock, and told them to make the team go
fast, as it was late. Did not see him again
until his body was taken from the water-
hole. After their father left them they
went on to Canowie netting about 23
miles from Gum Creek, and camped and
kept watch, expecting their father to ar-
rive any minute. When he had not ar-
rived by morning witness walked on to
Yongala and found he had not got home.
Subsequently reported the matter to M.C.
John Bowman and Martin Przibilla gave
evidence, and the jury found-"That the
deceased carne to his death by accidentally
slipping into the waterhole whilst attempt-
ing to cross at Gum Creek station.