Lehmann Henschke - Person Sheet
NameBUETTNER, Johanne Marie Elisabeth 
Birthca 1808, Prussia5247
Immigration29 Oct 1846, ‘Heerjeebhoy Rustomjee Patel’3515,2628 Age: 38
Death1 Aug 1872, Kanmantoo, SA5247 Age: 64
Süd Australische Zeitung (Tanunda and Adelaide, SA : 1860 - 1874) Tue 6 Aug 1872
21245Kanmantoo. In der Nacht vom Mittwoch auf Donnerstag
machte Frau A. Hellwig— lange Jahre hier in Kanmantoo ansässig
— ihrem Le
ben dadurch ein Ende, daß sie sich an einem Obstbaume inihrem Garten aufhing. Bei dem an der Leiche gehaltenen Jnquestegab die Jury ihr Berdict dahin ab, daß die Verstorbene sich in einemAnfalle temporairen Wahnsinns das Leben genommen Habe.
Google translate-
KANMANTOO. In the night from Wednesday to Thursday
Mrs. A. Hellwig has been living here in Kanmantoo for many years
- their life by an end that they are in a fruit tree in
hung her garden. Inquest held on the corpse
the jury gave their verdict that the deceased was in one
Having taken the life of temporary madness, have taken the life.
Birthca 1800, Clausthal, Hanover, Prussia21244
Immigration29 Oct 1846, ‘Heerjeebhoy Rustomjee Patel’21244,3515,2628 Age: 46
Deathca 1850, Kanmantoo, SA21244 Age: 50
Marriage1836, Clausthal, Hanover, Prussia18703
Birthca 1825, Clausthal, Hanover, Prussia5247
Immigration15 Dec 1847, ‘Hermann Von Beckerath’5247,1481 Age: 22
Marriage10 Jul 1855, Blakiston, SA5247