Lehmann Henschke - Person Sheet
NameWEGNER, Wilhelm Friedrich
Burial6 Jun 1948, Pine Creek, SA21371
ResidenceGladstone, SA21368
The Areas' Express (Booyoolee, SA : 1877 - 1948) Fri 11 Jun 194821371
DEATH OF MR. W. F. WEGNERWe regret to record the death onSaturday last, at his late residence,Gladstone, of Mr. Wilhelm FriedrickWegner, at the' age of 67 years. Thedeceased had conducted farming un-til a few years ago when owing toillliealth he retired and lived atGladstone. He is survived by a wi-dow and one son Ernest and agrand-daughter. His remains wereinterred in the Pin[ri]e Creek Ceme-tery on Sunday last.
Birth26 Aug 1883, Booleroo, SA21368
Marriage8 Feb 1910, Fullerville, SA265,21377
Death1971, SA21367 Age: 75