Lehmann Henschke - Person Sheet
Lehmann Henschke - Person Sheet
NameTOPHAM, John Thomas
Birth24 Jan 1844, Bourne, Lincolnshire24313
Immigration1884, ‘Lusitania’24313 Age: 39
DeathSep 1926, SA24314,24313 Age: 82
Border Watch (Mount Gambier, SA : 1861 - 1954) Saturday 25 September 192624313



The late Mr. John Thomas Topham
was born at the historical and ancient
town of Bourne, Lincoln, England, on
January 24, 1844, and resided there un-
til 1884, when in that year, acting on
the advice of his medical adviser, he
embarked per the Orient Mail Steamer
"Lusitania" for Australia, and settled
in Adelaide in company with his wife
and family, In 1873 he married at
Long Sutton Llncol, Miss Charlotte
Annie Gosling, who was the second
daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. E.
Gosling, of that town, For a great
many years the late Mr. Topham had
carried out extensive operations in the
building industry, and subsequently on
arrival in this State followed the same
vocation, specialising particularly in
the monumental and architectual bran-
ches, He supervised the erection and
construction of some prominent city  
buildings, and in, company with the
late Hon, T. Price carried out the ar-
tistic carvings and mouldings on the
present Roman Catholic Church at
Mount Gambier. On completion of that
fine edifice he decided to settle in the
garden of this Slate, and has resided
here ever since. Many of the promin-
ent buildings in this town and sur-
rounding district bear evidence of his
qualification as a master craftsman of
artistic ability, he was a member and
trustee of the Mount Gambier Method-
ist Church, and was associated with
the choir of that church for a great
many years. He. was also a talented  
musician and was one of the earlier
founders of the Mount Gambier Orch-
estra, playing the violincello. He was
also a supporter of the U.L.P., and was
treasurer of the local branch for a
considerable, time. Apart from busi-
ness ability, one of his main hobbies
were concentrated in the making and
building of a piano, which he success-
fully completed In 1916. This instru-
ment. was on exhibition in the local
Industry Section of tho Mount Gambler
A. and H. Society's show for that year,
and excited great interest for its fine,
appearance and tonal qualities. The
late Mr. Topham was of a genial and
lovable disposition, and was highly re-
spected by all sections of tho commun-
ity, and was ever ready to help any
charitable object or movement for the
benefit of his fellow man. He left a
widow, two sons and two daughters,
viz,, Messrs. J. E. and P. W. Topham,
of Adelaide, Mesdames K. Hammer
and A. P. Spehr of Henley Beach and
Rose Park respectively, There are
seventeen, grand children and three
great grand children to mourn their
Marriage1873, Long Sutton, Lincolnshire24313
ChildrenJohn Edward (-1955)
 Mary Eliza (ca1881-1954)
 Catherine (-1949)
 Percy William (1886-)
Last Modified 24 Nov 2016Created 18 Nov 2024 using Reunion for Macintosh
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