Lehmann Henschke - Person Sheet
NameLINDNER, Auguste Caroline 
Immigration1849, ‘HG Wappaus’2431 Age: 9
BurialSt John Cemetery, Jindera, NSW6159
Albury Banner and Wodonga Express (NSW : 1896 - 1938) Fri 21 Mar 1930
21692 … Mrs. Augusta Caroline
Westendorf passed away on Tuesday
morning at th
e residence of her sonand daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. -H.Westendorf, Henty. Deceased, whoiiad reached the great age of 90 yearsand 5 months, was born in'Germanyon October 13, 1839, and emigratedwith her parents to S.A. at the ageof 11 years. She married her latehusband, Johann Christoph Westendorf,in 18 59, at Birdwood, S.A. The issueof the marriage was seven daughtersand six sons, of whom. four sons,Adolph, August, Alec and Christoph,predeceased their mother. After hold-ing land both in S.A- and Victoria forsome time, the late Mr. and Mrs. Wes-tendorf took up the well-known 'ElmPark' property, near Jindera, and. remained there for over 60 years. Theywere loyal members of tho LutheranChurch. The burial of the deceasedtook place on Wednesday in the Jindera cemetery, the cortege leaving 'St.John's Lutheran Church at 2 o'clock.Tho sons and daughters are: — Charles(Wagga), Harry (Henty), Mesdames L.Winkelmann (Undcrcliffe), H. Kalms(West Wyalong), P. W. Klemke (Haw-thorn, Melb.), J. Wurtz (Lavington),B. M' Williams (North Sydney), J?1.Jacoby (Henty) and P. Beers (Coota=mundra).
Birth23 Nov 1837, Hamburg, Prussia2431,6159
Immigration7 Oct 1851, ‘Susanne’4813 Age: 13
Death18 Feb 1892, Jindera, NSW2431,6159 Age: 54
BurialSt John Cemetery, Jindera, NSW6159
Marriage1859, Blumberg, SA7089