Lehmann Henschke - Person Sheet
NameJUST, Carl Friedrich Wilhelm
Birth9 Jan 1850, Schadwinkel, Silesia, Prussia27108,7211
Immigration6 Oct 1862, ‘San Francisco’7309 Age: 12
The Times and Northern Advertiser, Peterborough, South Australia (SA : 1919 - 1950) Fri 12 Jun 1925
Mr. C. F. W. JUST.A very old and respected resi-dent of the town and districtpassed away on Wednsday morn-ing, in the person of Mr. C. F. W.Just, at the age of 75 years. Hewas born at Selesia, Germany,and at the age of 12 years came toAustralia with his parents, whosettled at Kapunda. As soon theCoglin District was thrown openthe deceased took up land andjoined the pioneers of Dawson.About the same time he marriedthe daughter of D. Seekamp, farm-er of Stockport. In 1911 MrJust retired from farming pur-suits and came to live in Peter-borough, where he owned anumber of houses. In January1917 Mrs. Just died. There isone son (Ernest A.) and onedaughter (Mrs Melville), who areleft to mourn their sad loss. Twoyears ago deceased underwent aa very serious operation, whichproved most successful and heenjoyed good health until the endof February, when he took ill andwas unable to leave his bed againHe suffered considerable pain attimes, but his end came peacefully. During his sojourn at Daw-son, the deceased gentleman wasan energetic member of the CoglinDistrict Council for many yearsand also took a very live interestin the Agricultural Bureau. Inhis younger days he was fond ofsport, which benefitted consider-ably by his generosity and per-sonal assistance. He also gavefreely to charities. His was acareer that was much admired byall who knew him intimately.The funeral took place on Thurs-day afternoon, when a very largegathering of sympathisers waspresent at the graveside.
Birth13 Feb 1854, Gawler, SA10065
Marriage31 Mar 1880, ResIdence Of Diedrich Seekamp, Near Stockport, SA27108,7211,27111