Lehmann Henschke - Person Sheet
NameMENZ, Gustav Hermann 
Birth16 Mar 1855, Kingsford, SA16231
Death21 Dec 1857, Near Kingsford, SA27302 Age: 2
Adelaide Observer (SA : 1843 - 1904) Sat 26 Dec 1857
27302 DEATH FROM DROWNING.—Hermann Menz,a little boy, of about three years old, son of Peter Menz,residing near Kingsford, on the North Para. River, onMonday last, was playing near the river at about fiftyyards distance from the garden where his mother was.The mother having lost sight of the child, went to the river,where she discovered him in the water. In her anxiousendeavours to get the child out, she herself fell Into thewater, and was in a perilous situation, until another ofher sons, a boy of about 11 years old, came to her assist-ance. He first rescued his mother, and then took outthe child, who was quite dead. Dr. Nett was, however,sent for, but all efforts to restore life were unavailing.The child had been seen alive by the mother about aquarter of an hour before she missed him.