Lehmann Henschke - Person Sheet
NameLUHRS, Carolina 
Birth11 Jan 1850, Near Payneham, SA6374,29150
Death11 May 1932, Payneham, SA6374,29151 Age: 82
Chronicle (Adelaide, SA : 1895 - 1954) Thu 30 Jun 1932
Mrs. Caroline Sudholz, who died re
cently at Rose Park,
was the widowof Mr. J. P. Sudholz, whom she married 62 years ago. She was the eldestdaughter of the late C. Luhrs, andwas born at Payneham in 1849. Atthat time the suburbs of Adelaide werecovered with heavy timber, and as ayoung girl the deceased had the unpleasant experience, when driving homewith her parents from the city onenight, of being fired upon by bushrangers, one bullet passing through thehorse's collar. Her father, however,ignored the command to stop, and theyarrived home safely. Most of herlife was spent at Rose Park, but in1894 she and Her daughters left thecity for Kalangadoo, where her husband and sons, some time earlier, hadstarted farming. After spending afew years there she returned to themetropolitan area with her husbandand daughters, and had resided theresince. She leaves a family of five sons —Messrs. Frederick, Herbert and FrankSudholz, of Adelaide; Walter Sudholz,of Warracknabeal, Victoria, and AlfredSudholz, of Kalangadoo; and twodaughters. Mrs. H. J. Patterson, ofPenola, and Miss Bertha Sudholz, ofRose Park.
Birth13 Jul 1843, Bahrenborstel, Hanover, Prussia5620,6374
Death7 Jul 1924, Rose Park, SA5620,6374 Age: 80