Lehmann Henschke - Person Sheet
NameSEMMLER, Paul Friedrich Wilhelm
Birth18 Jul 1863, Nekla, Posen, Prussia30003,30004
Daily Advertiser (Wagga Wagga, NSW : 1911 - 1954) Tue 2 May 193330006
OBITUARYMR. P. F. W. SEMMLERThe death occurred at 'Guildford'privaite hospital on Friday afternoon,April 14, at 3 o'clock, of Mr. PaulFrederick Wilhelm Semmler, YerongCreek. The deceased, who was suddenly stricken down with a heart attackon the previous Tuesday at the residence of his son, Mr. 'VV. Semmler,'Sunshine,' Ryan, was born on August18, 1864, at Posen, Germany, and emi-grated to Australia with his father in1882, his mother dying shortJy beforeHiey left their native land. In No-vember, 1889, at Patimuk (V.), he wasmarried to Mrs. Pauline Hahn. Theissue of the union was 10 daughtersand five sons. One daughter prede-ceased her father some years' ago. Thenumber of grandchildren living is 39.The deceased was a member of theTrinity Lutheran congregation, YerongCreek. Mr. Semmler, who had attainedthe age of 69 years, was a resident ofthe Riverina district for about 26years. Besides the widow, Mrs. P.Semmler, Yerong Creek, the followingchildren survive: Messrs. WilliamSemmler (Ryan), Paul (Munyabla),Theobald (Pleasant Hills), Johannesand Benjamin (Ycrong), Mrs. G.Harders, Mrs. E. Oakman, Mrs. H.Larkins (Wagga), Mis. N. Harders,Mrs. O. Schwartz (Katvil, V.), Mrs.W. Waygood (Narandern), Mrs. A. E.Baker (Lockhart), Mrs. E. Taylor(Harefield), and Hilda (YerongCreek). The funeral iook place in theHenty ccmetery on Saturday afternoon,April 15. The Rev. Walter Noske, whoofficiated, addressed words of comfortto the mourners on the basis of 2 Tim.,2-11. Mr. E. Cochrane had charge ofthe funeral arrangements. The carrierswere tho five sons and Mrs. G. Harders(son-in-law). A great many beautifulwreaths were sent by friends.
Death30 Sep 1951, Wangaratta, Vic30003,30008 Age: 80