Border Watch (Mount Gambier, SA) Wednesday 28 February 1917
Much regret was expressed by a
large circle of friends in Mount Gam-
bier and district on Monday, when it
became known that Mr. Gustav Wals-
gott, farmer, Mount Gambier West, had
passed away. The deceased, who was
75 years of age, was born in Mecklen-
burg-Schwerin, Germany, from which
country he arrived in Australia with
his parents in 1842, at the age of three
years. On reaching manhood he began
farming, and successfully worked
farms both at Compton and Millicent,
more continuously, however, at Comp-
ton. He was married in 1862. He did
not take much interest in public af-
fairs. He enjoyed good health till 10
or 12 years ago. Since then he had
only indifferent health, and was quite
laid aside for the last three or four
years. Last week he had the misfor-
tune to fall and break his leg at Port
MacDonnell. This, with other internal
ailments, carried him off, his death oc-
urring early on Monday morning, at
Frewville, where he had resided for
the last three years. The deceased had
a family of 11--three sons and eight
daughters, two of whom are deceased.
Besides his wife, the deceased leaves
the following sons and daughters:—
Messrs. Gustav Walsgott (Dimboola),
John Walsgott (Beulah), and Henry
Walsgott (Compton); and Misses Lou-
isa and Clara Walsgott (Mount Gam-
bier), and Mesdames Bertha Dahlen-
berg (New Zealand), Dora Koop
(Nhill), Eda Fechner (Dimboola), and
Tillie Kluge (Mount Gambler). The
funeral is announced by Mr. Geo.
Lewis for this afternoon. The Rev.
F. W. Matschoss will officiate at the