Lehmann Henschke - Person Sheet
NameRATHMANN, Karl Christian
Birthca 1822, Prussia7042
Chronicle (Adelaide, SA : 1895 - 1954) Sat 22 Jan 191021592
OBITUARY.. Mr. Carl Christian Rathmann died atCaloote recently at the age of 88 years.The deceased, who was born in Germanyin 1822, arrived in South Australia in theship Pauline in 1846. He visited the Victoriangoldfields during the rush of 1851and was fairly successtul. Returning toSouth Australia he built the NapoleonHotel, Blumberg, and was. engaged inhotelkeeping and storekeeping at Blumberg,Mount Torrens, Mount Pleasant, and Kapundafor some years. In 1871 Mr. Rathmannsettled in Mannum and opened, asmall store on the site of the present blockof buildings occupied by Mr. S. B. vonDoussa, solicitor, and others. About 18months later he took up a section of landat Caloote, four miles down the river, andwas engaged in farming for a number ofyears. About 20 years ago he laid out aportion of his land as the township ofCaloote, and built a wine saloon and severalcottages. Besides the wine saloon, thedeceased kept a small general store andpost-office until some seven or eight yearsago, when he retired into private life. He enjoyedremarkably good health right up tothe day of his death, which occurred en Wednesdaylast from heart failure, acceleratedby the intense heat. The deceased, whowas thrice married, left a widow, two sons(Mr. C C. Rathmann, jun., of Caloote, andMr. Franz Rathmann. of New SouthWales), one daughter (Mrs. C. F. C. Mau,of Mannum).. 29 grandchildren, and onegreat-grandchild.
Immigration27 Sep 1846, ‘Pauline’2950 Age: 17
Death20 Mar 1904, Caloote, SA265,21591 Age: 75
Marriage29 Dec 1909, Residence Of Groom Caloote, SA30350