Lehmann Henschke - Person Sheet
NameKLEM, Carl Edmund 
Birth25 Feb 1861, Pewsey Vale, SA7284
Death3 Jan 1929, Adelaide, SA7284,31004 Age: 67
Observer (Adelaide, SA : 1905 - 1931) Sat 19 Jan 1929
31004Mr. Carl Edmond Klem.
Mr. Carl Edmund K
lem, of Yorketowndied sudenly in Adelaide on January 3He left Yorketown for the city to enjoyhis Christmas holidays, and was then ingood, health Mr. Kiem had followed thetrade of blacksmith, and had been em-ployed in W. P. Riddle's finn for nearlynaif a century. He took a prominent1part in the progress of Yorketown, andwas at one period a member of the localtown council. Mr. Klem was a memberof the I.O.O.F., M.U., and had filled theposition of finance secretary of the localbranch for many years, and was also apast-grandmaster.' In the early days ofhis residence here he was a member ofthe local cricket club, and had always takena keen interest in all manly sports. Hewas 68 years of age, and had been a resi-dent of Yorketown for more than 50
Birth16 Apr 1868, Saddleworth, SA7284
Death15 Jul 1920, Yorketown, SA7284 Age: 52
Marriage25 Feb 1889, SA7284