Lehmann Henschke - Person Sheet
NameBERNICK, Maria 
Immigration24 Sep 1858, ‘Victoria’2617 Age: 16
Death17 Oct 1914, Toongabbie, Vic31544,31545 Age: 72
Traralgon Record (Traralgon, Vic. : 1886 - 1932) Tue 20 Oct 191431545
DEATH OF MRS NIPPE.A very old identity of Gippsland,and one highly esteemed and respectedby all who knew her, passed away onSunday morning, in the person ofMrs. Nippe, wife of Mr M. Nippe, ofToongabbie, at the advanced age of 72yrs. For over 30 years deceasedresided in the Toongabbie district,prior to that time lived betweenToongabbie and Cowwarr. She wasa most kind-hearted woman whowas always ready to extend a helpinghand to others in sickness or distress.She had only been ailing for abouta fortnight , but on Wednesday be-came seriously ill, and Dr McLeanwas called in. Previous to this, sherefused to see a doctor, although herrelatives desired her to do so. Thecause, we understand, commencedas an attack of gastric influenza,which brought on other complications,and she gradually sank and passedpeacefully away. The late Mrs Nippewill be much missed by many friends,and genuine sympathy will be felt forMr Nippe and family in their bereavement.The remains of deceased were in-terred in the Toongabbie cemeteryon Sunday afternoon, the funeralcortege being a lengthy one. The Rev.Ingram, Church of England minister,conducted the burial service, assistedby Mr: Ellissmith, and the funeralarrangements were carried out by MrD Russell.
Birth1811, Kosel, Birnbaum, Prussia31541
Immigration15 Dec 1847, ‘Hermann Von Beckerath’31541,1481 Age: 36
Death2 Jun 1875, Drung Drung, Vic31541 Age: 64
MemoHorsham, Vic