Lehmann Henschke - Person Sheet
NameFEUERHERDT, Hermann Hugo
BurialVictor Harbor, SA32683
Victor Harbour Times (SA : 1932 - 1986) Fri 2 Nov 1951
The death occurred early yesterday
morning of Mr. Hermann H
ugo Feuerherdt, of Victor Harbour, at the age of 61years. The deceased had been in poorhealth tor aome conaiderable ,ime, but hiapaaaing, nevertheleas, came aa a greatshock to hia many frienda. It must havebeen a big diaappointment for him that hewas too ill to attend the wedding of hiselder daughter, Elaine, on Saturday. Mr.Feuerherdt had engaged in several typesof buainess during his term of residencehere, all of which were moft successful.He was an enthusiatic and generous sup-porter of the local football club, of whichbody he was patron. Besides a widow heleaves two daughters, Elaine (Mrs. BrianBonner) and Una. His funeral leaves hislate residence, Torrens Street, at 2 o'clockthis afternoon for the Victor HarbourCemetery.
Death2 Aug 1975, Royal Adelaide Hospital, Adelaide, SA32682,32683 Age: 84
Marriage7 Feb 1911, St Paul Lutheran Church, Brownlow, SA347,32687