Lehmann Henschke - Person Sheet
NameBEHN, Wilhelmina Henrica Charlotte (Fredericka Luise) 
Immigration7 Jan 1883, ‘Catania’4275 Age: 23
Deathca Jun 1939, Tothill Creek, SA35239,35240 Age: 79
Chronicle (Adelaide, SA : 1895 - 1954) Thu 15 Jun 1939
Mrs. A. Strupp
Mrs. A. Strupp, who died recently at
Tothill's Creek, had been a resident of
the district for more than 30 ye
ars.Born in Germany 78 years ago,Mrs. Strupp, with other members ofthe family left for Australia at anearly age. With her late husband, shewas engaged in farming at HamleyBridge, and later at Tothill's Creek.Two daughters survive— Mesdames F.Milde and W. C. Parish.
Death24 Mar 1901, Tothill Creek, SA35242