Lehmann Henschke - Person Sheet
NameBAUM, Johann Friedrich 
Immigration21 Oct 1858, ‘Sophie’5711 Age: 18
BurialWest Terrace Cemetery, Adelaide, SA36306
Observer (Adelaide, SA : 1905 - 1931) Sat 18 Oct 191336305
Golden Wedding.On October 9, at Hoyleton, Mr. and Mrs.Johann Freidriek Baum celebrated their
golden wedding. Mr. Baum was born inPrussia on February 9, 1840. He came tofcjoirth Australia in 1858, and settled atKing's Belt near Freeling, where he followed agricultural pursuits. In 1863 he re-moved 'to Concordia, near Gawler, wherehe was married to Carolina Augusta Herdeon October 9 of that year, in RosenthalChapel, by Pastor Dost. Having remainedthere for three years they proceeded toHoyleton. where they have resided eversince. They have been prominent workersin connection with the Lutheran Church,of which Mr. Baum has been a Jay readerfor 27 -years. There are four eons, Messrs.William and Hermann, of Hoyleton, andAlfred and Edward, of SkiUy, near Auburn,and four daughters, Mrs. J. Saunders andMrs. A. Berghouse (Highgate), Mrs. G.Neindorf (Parrakie). and Mrs. F. Hamroersebmidt (West Adelaide). A numberof relatives and friends gathered at theirhome to celebrate their golden wedding. Aservice was conducted by Pastor Gutekunst.oho proposed the toast of the afternoon,and referred -to the splendid service thecouple had rendered to their church andalso their many estimable qualities. Thetoast was supported by Mr. H. P. Chap-man, of Hoyleton, who spoke of the highesteem in which they were held, theirkindness of heart, and their willingness to'help any who were in need. Mr. Baumresponded. The family gave the parentsa purse of sovereigns, and numerous pre-sents were tendered by friends.
The Register (Adelaide, SA : 1901 - 1929) Fri 14 Nov 192436307
OBITUARY.Mr. Johann Friedrich Baum, who diedon Thursday, at the age of 84 years, atthe residence of his son-in-law (Mr. J.F. Hammerschmidt, Mile-End) was amongthe pioneer farmers of the north, and retired only six years ago from active workon his farm at Hoyleton. Born in Silesia,he migrated to Australia in 1858, when 18years of age. He did not want to enterthe Prussian Army, so decided to try hisluck in the more peaceful land of Australia—then much talked of as a good farming country. He arrived from Hamburgin the sailing ship Sophia, and gotemployment at Daveyston; near Freeling. Helater met Miss Caroline Augusta Herde atConcordia, and the couple were married—in 1863— at Rosenthal, by Pastor Dost.Mixed farming was carried on amid greatdifficulties, for the machinery was prlmitive, and stock very dear. Horses werefew and far between, and when Mr. Baumcould afford to get one he felt he waslike a millionaire. Good and bad yearsof crop were experienced. Wheat had tobe carted to Auburn, and it had thence tobe carted to the city. Ploughing was donewith a pair of oxen. The sickle was usedfor reaping, and the flail for threshing. Theyoung farmer also used to take butterand eggs to Auburn (12 miles), and thenwalk back, and also find time to put inhalf a day's work. The couple later removed to the Gawler district, and afterfour years went to Hoyleton. There theyremained for nigh half a century, withvarying fortunes, as good or indifferentseasons were experienced. Mrs Baumsurvives her husband. The couple inOctober of last year celebrated their goldenwedding anniversary, an event which wasattended by the eight survivors of their10 children, as follow:— Messrs. FrederickWilliam Baum (Mile-End), Hermann Ferdinand Baum (Auburn), Alfred RichardBaum (Hoyleton), and Edward AlbertBaum (Skilly, near Auburn); Mesdames J.Saunders (Highgate), A. G. Neinder (Parakee), J. A. Berghouse (Highgate), and J.F. Hammerschmidt (Mile-End).
Birth13 Jul 1845, Deutsche Hammer, Silesia, Prussia5711
Immigration16 Nov 1853, ‘Hermann’4623 Age: 8
Death11 Jun 1929, Highgate, SA5711,36304 Age: 83
BurialWest Terrace Cemetery, Adelaide, SA36304
Marriage9 Oct 1863, Rosenthal Heights, SA5711,36309