Stephens Pharo - Person Sheet
NameGREEN, Grace Adelaide
Birth1877, Balmain, NSW242,243
Death10 Jun 1948, Ryde, NSW239,244,31 Age: 71
Memo11 June?
Burial12 Jun 1948, Northern Suburbs Cemetery, North Ryde, NSW242,245,246
MemoChurch Of England C8 0004
The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954) Sat 12 Jun 1948
246PHARO.-The Relatives and Friends
of Mr George Pharo,
Herring Road.Eastwood, are invited to attend theFuneral of his beloved Wife GRACE;to leave the Private Chapel of Motor ,Funerals, Limited. 8 Railway Parade,Eastwood, this Morning, after servicecommencing at 9.30 o'clock, for theChurch of England Cemetery, NorthernSuburbs. Motor Funerals, Limited,AFDA, 8 Railway Parade, Eastwood.Phone. WL1U55.
PHARO. -The Relatives and Friendsof Mr and Mrs George Pharo andFamily, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Pharo andFamily Mr. and Mrs. W. Willis andFamily. Mr. and Mrs. A. Frank Pharoand Family are invited to attend theFuneral of their beloved Mother andGrandmother GRACE; to leave the Pri-vate Chapel of Motor Funerals. Limited,8 Hallway Parade. Eastwood. this Morn-ing after service commencing at 9.30o'clock, for the Church of EnglandCemetery. Northern Suburbs, MotorFunerals. Limited. AFDA, 8 RailwayParade. Eastwood. Phone, WL1955.
Birth15 Mar 1866, Wandsworth, Surrey11,239,13
Immigration5 Jun 1885, ‘Bombay’ Age: 19
Death19 Apr 1952, Epping, NSW239,240,31 Age: 86
Burial22 Apr 1952, Northern Suburbs Cemetery, North Ryde, NSW31
MemoChurch Of England C8 0004
Marriage1904, St Leonards, NSW239,247