Stephens Pharo - Person Sheet
NameRUSSELL, James
Birthca 1834
Death23 Aug 1863, Bairnsdale, Vic361,362 Age: 29
Gippsland Times (Vic. : 1861 - 1954) Fri 28 Aug 1863362
DEATH.At Bairnsdale, on the 23rd August, JamesRussell, blacksmith, aged 29 years.
The Age (Melbourne, Vic. : 1854 - 1954) Mon 28 Sep 1863372
WILL of JAMES RUSSELL, late of the township of Bairnsdale, district of North Gipps Land,in the colony of Victoria, Blacksmith, Deceased. —Notice is hereby given, that, after the expiration offourteen days from the publication of this notice,APPLICATION will be made to this HonorableCourt, in its Ecclesiastical Jurisdiction, that aPROBATE of the last will and testament oftho abovenamed deceased be GRANTED toCATHARINE RUSSELL, of Bairnsdale, aforesaid, widow of the said deeoased, the sole executrix named in, and appointed by, the said will.Dated this 26th day of September, A.D. 1863.MACGREGOR & HENDERSON, 57 ChanceryLane, Little Collins street west, Melbourne,Proctors for the said Catharine Russell.
Birthca 1842, Delvine Station, near Bairnsdale, Vic
Death1927, Cheltenham, Vic Age: 85
Marriage29 Apr 1861, Bairnsdale, Vic363