Transcription of letter written by Ellen Stephens (nee Webber) age 89.
I am 89 today and what a long life God has given me and what an eventful one. I came from dear old England in 57 and arrived Hobsons Bay Melbourne on July the fourth. My dear parents brother & sister but they are all gone home and I am the only one left. I had a few happy years with them. I married in the year 60 and had a good kind husband and saw many trials & troubles. My children were born hundreds of miles apart having to move from one place to another where business and work lay. I have 8 children living 6 sons and 2 daughters. My husband died 39 years ago today at the age of 48 years. I am living with my youngest daughter and am very happy for they are very kind and my grandchildren love me this last 39 years has been the happiest of my eventful life but I know my time is short now and I shall be glad to go home to be with my Saviour and the dear ones gone before. I often wish I had wrote the history of' my life it [would] have been worth reading but it is too late now. I pray for my dear children and grandchildren that they may give their heart to God and live for eternity as well as time s0 that we may meet in heaven to spend a long eternity together.