Lehmann Henschke - Person Sheet
NameHENSCHKE, Johann Carl Ferdinand
, GGG Uncle
Birth1 Jan 1844, Eden Valley, SA55
Death1 Jun 1931, Edithburgh, SA55,417 Age: 87
BurialEdithburgh Cemetery, Edithburgh, SA55
The Pioneer (Yorketown, SA : 1898 - 1954) Fri 12 Jun 1931417
OBITUARYMr. J. C. F. Henschke, senr, ofEdithburgh, died on Monday, June 1,at the Yorketown District Hospital.Mr. Henschke had been in indifferenthealth for some considerable time.He had a paralytic stroke abouttwelve months ago and did not fullyrecover fronm its effects. He wasborn on January 1, 1844, at Tweed-vale (then known as Lobethal) andwas one of the oldest pioneers in thisdistrict. He was married at EdenValley on May 10, 1867, and arrivedat Edithburgh in 1871. He took anactive part in the management of hisfarm up to within five years of thetime of his death. The deceasedgentleman was a constant churchattendant, and was organist at theLutheran Church for 58 years. Hewas very fond of music and became atalented musician. The survivingmembers of the family are—Hermann,Adolph, Theodore and EwaltHenschke, Mrs. W. Preuss and Mrs.R. Voigt all of Edithburgh. MrHenschke enjoyed splendid health upto the age of 83 and had no cause toconsult a doctor previous to the timeof his recent illness. He drove amotor car at the age of 85.
Birth24 May 1846, Prussia55
Immigration30 Nov 1856, ‘Vesta’418,419 Age: 10
Death20 Oct 1927, Edithburgh, SA420 Age: 81
BurialEdithburgh Cemetery, Edithburgh, SA55
Marriage10 May 1867, Eden Valley, SA55