Lehmann Henschke - Person Sheet
NameGROCKE, Johann Edward Louis 
Birth1813, Zullichau, Brandenburg, Prussia3045
Immigration27 Oct 1841, ‘Skjold’3045 Age: 28
The Port Augusta Dispatch, Newcastle and Flinders Chronicle (SA : 1885 - 1916) Fri 19 Oct 18943295
On Sunday Mr Louis Grocke died atthe residence of Mr F. Herde, hie son-in-law.The deceased came to the colony in1840 in the Danish ship George. Formany years he lived at Rowland's Flat,where he had a farm, and for over 20years kept the post-office. He had residedhere with Mr Herde for 15 years,and was 84 years of age. He wasgreatly respected, and a large numberattended the funeral on Tuesday afternoon.
The Advertiser (Adelaide, SA : 1889 - 1931) Tue 23 Oct 18943296
Quorn, October 19. — Yesterday theremains of Louis Grocke were interred in tbeQuorn Cemetery, Mr. Altmann officiating atthe grave. Mr. Grocke came out to the colonyin 1840 in the Danish ship George and firstsettled at Hackney. Subsequently be residedat Rowland's Flat, where be was postmasterfor a number of years. He leaves a son, threedaughters, and a number of grand and greatgrandchildren. Deceased waa 83 years of ageand a resident in the colony of 54 yearsstanding.
Immigration1839, ‘Buckinghamshire’3045 Age: 21
BurialRowland Flat, SA3300