Lehmann Henschke - Person Sheet
NameMADER, Philip 
Birth30 Mar 1894, Light Pass, SA39246
BurialLight Pass, SA39248
Chronicle (Adelaide, SA : 1895 - 1954) Thu 26 Jul 1945
39247MADER— On Juiy 19 (suddenly), atLights Pass, Phillip, dearly beloved hus-band of Hilda Mader. and loving fatherof Sydnev, Marjorie and Leslie. Aged51 years. Rest in peace.
Leader (Angaston, SA : 1918 - 1954) Thu 26 Jul 1945
Mr Philip Milder, 51, Lights
Pass, whose sudden death on
July 18 was referred to in
lastissue, was son of Mr and MrsE.A. Mader, Lights Pass, wherehe was born on March 30, 1894He was educated at Lights Passand Nuriootpa. and was confir-med by the late Pastor Meierin 1898. He was employed byMr G.N. Dallwitz as a masonfrom 1915 till 1940. when hetook over his father's orchardand vinyard. He and Miss Hil-da Schiller were married in1920. Left with Mrs Mader are2 sons and a daughter: Sydney,Leslie and Marjory. Both hisparents are living and there arefour sisters. Rev. A. Simpfen-dorfer ministered at the fune-al at Lights Pass on Saturday.
Birth2 Jan 1903, Sutherlands, SA265
Christen1 Feb 1903, St John Lutheran Church, Sutherlands, SA14709 Age: <1
Death1975 Age: 71
Marriage5 Oct 1920, Angaston, SA14709