Lehmann Henschke - Person Sheet
NameKNOBEL, George 
MemoAlbury, NSW
BurialWollongong, NSW40799
Illawarra Daily Mercury (Wollongong, NSW : 1950 - 1954) Thu 15 Jun 195040799
LATE GEORGE KNOBEL HADCOLOURFUL CAREERThe death of Mr. GeorgeKnobel, of Robson Road, Keira-ville, closes a life that was bothvaried and colourful. .Born at Thurgooria, near Al-bury, in 1874, where he spenthis childhood, he had many re-collections of life on the land.His mother, widowed early inlife, was left with a family of12 young children and, at a verytender age, the boy George wasdoing his share of chores. Inexhaustible were, the stories hetold of those days, paying homage to his mother, relating how,due to good housewifery, herpreserves kept the larder stocked during the winter months.Still youthful, he ventured forthand, at the age of 19, took upland at Trangle, which he cleared and fenced and where hebuilt a home. He married MissMary Anne Roach, also of Tran-gie. At Trangie he successfullycarried on wheat and sheepfarming.Almost 42 years ago, Mr. Knobel came with his wife and fivechildren to reside at Keiravllle.In this district, he will be, remembered primarily as a builder. Apart from countless cotages, the Crown Theatre andLang's Buildings will recall hisname so long as they stand — atribute to his versatility andcreative mind.During the past few months,Mr. Knobel visited Albury andvarious parts of the Riverinaand he told how he had travelledto see his nephew at DarlingtonPoint, part way by truck andpart by rowing boat, to reachthe homestead. The propertyconsists of 2,500 acres, half ofwhich was submerged by floodwaters and which he viewedfrom the rowing boat. Returning home for a few days only,he went with his son anddaughter-inlaw, Mr. and Mrs.Fred Knobel, for a caravan tourof the North Coast, where heindulged, in his favourite recreation, fishing. Whilst at EastBallina, he decided to pay a surprise visit to his youngestdaughter, Catherine (Mrs. JimHarris) at Maryborough. Travelling by parlour coach to Brisbane, so that he would see moreof the country, he went to RomaStreet Station, Brisbane, and,after asking for his ticket at thebooking offlce collapsed and diedbefore he had time to accept theticket.The remains were broughtfrom Brisbane to Wollongongand, after a short service athome, at which the Rev. Richards officiated, the Intermenttook place at WollongongChurch of England Cemetery,where Mr. Richards paid a tribute to his achievements andkindliness, quoting from a cardreceived that morning: 'To thememory of a grand old man, alife well lived, of life's workwell-done."Among: those assembled wererelatives, friends and neighboursand many business associates,including Mr. Charlie Nellor(representing ' Fred : Ash), Mr.Nicholls , (Master Builders), Mr.Bill Simpson (Mr. W. A. Lang),Messrs. McGuire, 'Son' andSam Frost and Rau (Wollon-gong Theatres), . Mr. Dawson(Liberty Shoe Store), -Mr. BertHarrigan, Mr. R. C. Godwinand numerous others.Floral rtlbutes Included thosefrom the - Wollongong CouncilStaff, Directors and Staff ofFred. Ash, Directors of IllawarraMaster Builders, Directors ofWollongong Theatres,' Membersand Staff of Messrs. Cox andWiseman and the Liberty ShoeStore.Mr. Knobel was predeceasedby his wife nine, years ago andone son, George. The remaining members of the family areFred (Fairy Meadow), Mary(Mrs. A. Richardson, Wollongong), William (Wollongong),Margaret (Mrs. W. Easton,Keiravllle) and Catherine (Mrs.Jim Harris, Maryborough).One sister, Susan (Mrs. CharlesHansen, of Bellambl) wellknown ? throughout the district,is his only- living sister and Augustus, who lives at Thurgoonabeside the old home, the- onlybrother surviving hin).Essentially just, the late Mr.Knobel will long.be. rememberedfor his kindness of heart and theheliplng ' hand' he lent . over astony part of the road and allwho have truly known him sub-scribe their tribute to "a grandold man ... with life's workwell done."
Death20 May 1941, Wollongong, NSW40801 Age: 60
BurialWollongong, NSW40801
Marriage1900, Narromine, NSW40802