Lehmann Henschke - Person Sheet
NameHEUZENROEDER, Selmar Theodor 
Birth23 Jul 1855, Duderstadt, Silesia, Prussia156
Immigration3 Feb 1858, ‘Ohio’156,6086 Age: 2
Memo4 Feb?
Naturalization19 Apr 1913, Broken Hill, NSW156 Age: 57
Death24 Jun 1944, Broken Hill, NSW47616,47617 Age: 88
Western Grazier (Wilcannia, NSW : 1896 - 1951) Fri 30 Jun 1944
47617 Pioneer Passes
In Broken Hill on Sunday last, the
death occurr
ed of one of the oldest FarWesterners when Mr. Selmar Heuzen-roeder, who was the first man to pegout a residential or business area in theMilparlnka district.Born in Hanover, then a British pos-sesslon governed by the Duke of Con-naught, in 1855, Mr. Heuzenroeder wasbrought to Australia before he was agedtwo, arriving In Adelaide with hisparents, Dr. and Mrs, Heuzenroeder.he was reared at Blrdwood in SouthAustralia, till he was 14 years ot age.The family became well known in SouthAustralia. They were a family of longlivers. Dr. Heuzenroeder lived till hewas 97 years, aud his brother died at98, while another member of the familypassed along at 97.Late in the year 1876 Mr. Heuzenroe-der's desire for travel found its initialexpression. He went from Adelaide toWilcannia that was then a busy riverport town, where there were 20 hotels.They were days when the metal cityin which he died was yet unborn. Itwas before Sllverton was discovered.But there is a gripping story behindMr. Heuzenroeder's plunge at 21to the Far West of this State—a wildwest It was then. The old pioneer rodeon horseback all the way to Wilcannia.It took many weeks, and was overvarious roads in weather that variedalong the trailEarly In 1880 Mr. Heuzenroeder's eyesand hopes were turned to Milparinka.His brother was with him. They pushedout of Wilcannia and on to the newgold field in a dray to which five horseswere attached.The Heuzenroeder brothers found Mil-parinka booming. and everywhere therewere toiling men hopeful that theywould strike the yellow metal. Some didand some did not, but Mllparinka wasno Ballarat or Bendigo. and the yearswent by so did men and hope. It washere that the Heuzenroeder brothers tookup the first business ever to be startedin the district. They were successful.After about five years at MilparinkaMr. Selmar Heuzenrceder married a MissHill a native of Musk Creek near Dales-ford in Victoria one of that State's mostscenic spots.When Mr. Heuzonrocder and hisbrother first took up the business ofdrapers and general storekeepers in Mil-parlnka the township was in Its chaoticinfancy. There were over 2,000 peoplethere soon after and buildings went upapace. There were four hotels. Soonafter his arrival at Mllparinka, then awell etabllshed pastoral centre overwhich Sturt's famous expedition travelled46 years before, a famine struck thedistrict. The Darling River had rundry and this meant the cessation of thetransit of goods to Wilcannla, fromwhere they were carted by dray or heavyhorse vehicle to Milparinka. In thecrisis Mr Heuzenroeder, then in theprime of comparative youth and witha keen eye to business, organised bullockteams that did three trips from Terowie.The fourth met with new conditions.Instead of a long and dry trek, theywere raced with floods. and it took fivemonths to get to Milparinka. Mean-while, the people of the district justsubsisted. It was a trying time.During his tlms at Milparinka Mr.Heuzenroeder made trips to Tibocburra.In 1880 Mr. and Mrs. Heuzenroeder.with their then only child, went to Ade-laide . Their second chil, a baby girl,18 months old, was buried at Wonna-mlnta just a little time before.At Cobham Lake Mr. Heuzenroederhad a store for a time and later a hotelat Coolly. This was before he left thedistrict in the latter part of 1889.In later years Mr. and Mrs. Heu-zenroeder and their family returned tothe district, settling in Broken Hill. Mrs.Heuzenroeder, a grand old lady, survivesher husband. There is also a grown-upfamily, well known in the district. Oneson was killed in action In the last warand two seriously wounded. They weremember of the AIF.Mr. Heuzenroeder lived to see one greatwish fulfilled — the placing of Australiaoutside the reach of an invader's guns.In an interview with a representative ofthis paper In December. 1941, he con-cluded with a wish to live long enoughto see Australia secure against the men-ace of invaders from near or far. Japanhad just before struck her blow In thePacific.The funeral took place In Broken Hillon Monday, leaving his late residence.140 Morgan Street, at 11 a.m. He wasburied in the Church of England Ceme-tery, where the service was delivered byFather D. A. White. The bearers wereMessrs. A. Renaldson. J. G. Polklng-horne. J. Forth. J. Heuzenroeder, G.Lord and B. Tester. Fred J. Potter &Son had charge of the arrangements.
Birthca 1867
Death1949, Broken Hill, NSW47619 Age: 82
Memoage 82
Marriage1885, Milparinka, NSW47620
William (Died as Infant) (1894-1894)