Lehmann Henschke - Person Sheet
NameHEUZENROEDER, Johann Theodor 
Birth9 Nov 1840, Schwanewede, Hanover, Prussia8567
Immigration1861, ‘Sophie & Friedericke’8567,5172 Age: 20
South Australian Chronicle (Adelaide, SA : 1889 - 1895) Sat 4 Nov 1893
Tanunda, October 29.
Quite a gloom
was cast over this town onFriday morning when the death of Mr. Theo.Heuzenroeder, the well-known chemist anddruggist, became known. He had been ailingfor some time, so that his death was notaltogether unexpected. The deceased gentle-man was the son of Dr. Heuzenroeder, and wasborn at Schwanewede, near Bremen, inHanover. He was educated at Bremen, wherehe received his diploma. He arrived in thecolony in 1859, and after a residence of sixyears in Adelaide he removed to Hahndorf,where he had charge of the post and tele-graph office, which he carried on in con-nection with his chemist's shop. In 1866he removed to Tanunda, where he hascarried on a very extensive business. In1867 he married Miss Fiedler, of Tanunda,who died in March of this year. He leaves abrother, Mr. M. Heuzenroeder, the well-knownmusician, of Adelaide, and five sons and threedaughters. The deceased will be much missed,as he was always ready with a helping handwherever it was required for any charitablepurpose. The funeral took place to-day, theRev. G. A. Heidenrich officiating at thegrave. The liedertafel and liederfreund combined sang with great feeling 'Ueber denHernen' and 'Da unten ia Frieden.' Thefuneral was the largest seen here for a longtime, people being present from all the sur-rounding townships.
South Australian Chronicle (Adelaide, SA : 1889 - 1895) Sat 28 Oct 1893
HEUZENROEDER.— On the 27th October, Theodore
Heuzenrceder, aged 53 years
Burial21 Mar 1893, Tanunda, SA47679
Marriage5 Sep 1867, Tanunda, SA8567