Lehmann Henschke - Person Sheet
NameRANDELL, Albert Wentworth 
Murray Pioneer and Australian River Record (Renmark, SA : 1913 - 1942) Fri 12 Oct 1923
THE LATE CAPTAINA. W. RANDELLCaptain Albert Wentworth Randell.who died on October 3 last at MissLaurence's private hospital in Ade-laide, was a well known river iden-tity. Born at Gumeracha 51 yearsago, he was the fourth son of thelate Captain W. R. Randell, the hon-oured pioneer of steamship navigationon the Murray. Captain Albert Ran-dell spent nearly all of his life onthe river and was an acknowledgedauthority on its navigation. For aperiod of five years he acted as chiefengineer and watermaster of the Ren-mark Irrigation Trust, and latterlyhis activities were divided between"life on the land" and the river. Notlong since Captain Randell purchasedthe s.s. Tyro, and with this vesselhe commenced cargo carrying opera-tions. During his career he com-manded many steamers. For aboutabout eighteen months before hisdeath Captain Bandell had been inindifferent health, but he was onlyin hospital a fortnight before the endcame. At the time of his death hewas in command of the s.s. Federalfor the Irrigation Commission and wasrunning the boat between Berri andCobdogla. Captain Randell was aman of artistic temperament and like-able disposition. He was thrice mar-ried. His widow, formerly Miss Em-ma Agnes Stoeckel, is a daughter ofMr. and Mrs. W. Stoeckel of ParingaHouse. His second wife was a daugh-ter of Mr. C. A. Preiss of DevonDowns. Mannum. Three sons of aformer marriage were at one timeresident in Renmark, and one of them,"Cos," was killed during the GreatWar. There are four sisters of Cap-tain Randell and two brothers, wellknown on the lower river, living.
Birth14 Jul 1871, Near Stoney Creek, SA52128
Marriage29 Jan 1891, Rose Park, SA52129
BurialCentennial Park Cemetery, Pasadena, SA52118
Marriage27 May 1914, Adelaide, SA52126