Lehmann Henschke - Person Sheet
NameKIEFEL, Johann Samuel Heinrich 
Birth26 Nov 1835, Jenkau, Liegnitz, Silesia, Prussia6904
ImmigrationDec 1858, ‘Tasmania’474 Age: 23
MemoHorsham, Vic
BurialGreen Lake, Vic3693
The Horsham Times (Vic. : 1882 - 1954) Tue 1 Jul 1919
6906An old resident of the district, John
Samuel Heinrich Kiefel, died at Lah-
arum on Frid
ay. The deceased, whowas born in Germany, was 84 yearsof age. He came to Australia as ayoung man, and had lived in SouthAustralia for eight years and in Vic-toria for 50 years. He left the follow-ing children :—Paulina, Ronald, Gustav,Traggot, Mary, Henry, Ernest, Amil,and Florence. The funeral took placeon Sunday to the Green Lake ceme-tery, the burial service being read byMr. C. Rennison. The pall-bearers wereMessrs. G. Knanogel, S. Gross, J.McTavish, J. Baudinette, W. Voigt, andC. Hardigan, Messrs. Oulton andBoyle were the undertakers.
Birth17 Jan 1839, Prinznig, Liegnitz, Silesia, Prussia6904
Immigration3 Sep 1855, ‘La Rochelle’1472 Age: 16
Death29 Jul 1916, Green Lake, Vic6904,6907 Age: 77
MemoHorsham, Vic
Marriage16 Mar 1860, Tanunda, SA6908