Lehmann Henschke - Person Sheet
NameWOOLCOCK, James 
Birth18 Jun 1857, Kooringa, SA74016
News (Adelaide, SA : 1923 - 1954) Wed 3 Oct 1928
FIFTY YEARSMr. and Mrs. Woolcock, of HenleyLIFE OF MANY CHANGESMr. and Mrs. James Woolcok, of Koo-ringal, Sussex stret, Henley Beach, willcelebrate their golden wedding at the Free-masons' Hall, Henley Beaclh, on Friday.Both were born in South Australia. Mr.Woolcock is the fourth son of the lateJohn and Martha Woolcock, of Montacute,and his wife is the youngest daughter ofthe late Charles and.Emma Smith of Rus-sell street, Adelaide.They were married at the WesleyanChurch, Kent Town, on October 5, 1878,by Rev. H. H. Teague.Mr. Woolcock was born at Burra but hisfamily left'there when he was a child andwent to Montacute. At the invitation ofCapt. J. Warmington (manager of Moonta.Mines from its inception), the late Mr.John Woolcock accepted a position in themines and his family was the first tosettle there. In April of 1861 the familytodk up residence, and after a brief periodof whatever schooling was available JamesWoolcock, then 10 years of age, became aworker in the mines. His first positionwas connected with the separating of ores.There was no township at that time andthe first shops and hotel were situated atMoonta Mines.In 1877 his father bought an orchard. atMontacute.Went on LandAfter his marriage Mr. Woolcock tookup land at Port.Pirie and tried his handat farming. The seasons were so bad,however, that in 1882 he was forced to giveup and he took a position as cook to aparty of Government surveyors. He waswith the party while the townships ofTelowie and Port Pirie were surveyed andlater at a Kangaroo Island which was thencovered with scrub.In 1883 he came back to thle mainlandand was employed at the Edwin Smithnursery at Walkerville. Having gainedexperience as a gardener Mr. Woolcockaccepted a position with ithe late Mr. Wil-liam Taylor and laid out the beautifulgarden at his residence on the Magill road.After 11 years' service at Magill he ac-cepted the position of head gardener tothe late Sir Samuel Way and in 1902,after years of saving, he bought an or-chard at Barossa. His first shipment of50 cases of oranges for export went downon the ill fated Waratah. He sold hisorchard in 1912 and became gardener, forthe late Dr. H. H. Wigg at Aldgate.Having performed all types of gardeningMr. Wooleock took up work as a journey-man to fitters in the firm of S. Perry andCo., and while with this company metwith an accident which resulted in a frac-tured spine.Knitted Socks for Red Cross.After eight months in hospital he spentthree years in an invalid chair, but never-theless refused to be inactive. So helearned to knit and during the war made100 pairs of socks for the Red CrossSociety.In 1919 he took a position as caretakerof the bathing house at Henley Beach,and in 1924 secured a five years' lease ofthe new Henley Beach bathing houses, awork which he still enjoys. At the age of70 years Mr. Woolcock decided to try hishand at motoring, and bought a car. Inthe 18 months in which he has been inpossession of it he has driven more than10,000 miles. Among his travels he hasvisited the whole of the South-East dis-tricts, the West Coast, Port Pirie, andYorke's Peninsula.Last year he revisted Moonta for theBack to Moonta carnival after 50 years'absence.Mr. and Mrs. Woolcock have six chilidren-Mr. Albert Henry Woolcock ofHenley Beach, Mrs. Claurice Maude Geue,of Henley Beach. Mr. Edgar F. Woolcock,of Hallett, Mr. Ernest J. R. Woolcock, ofWest Coast, Mrs. Matilda Helen Geue, ofHenley Beach, and Mrs, Isabella EdithWilliam Clode, of Henley Beach.There are 17. grandchildren and onegreat-grandchild.
News (Adelaide, SA : 1923 - 1954) Fri 30 Jan 1942
74018WOOLCOCK.--On January 30, at hos-
pital, James, dearly
beloved husband ofEmma M. Woolcock, late of Prospect andHenley Beach; aged 84 years. Resting.
The Advertiser (Adelaide, SA : 1931 - 1954) Thu 5 Feb 1942
Mr James Woolcock
. 84, who diedrecently was well known as a gar-dener who bred several new varie-ties or plants and flowers. He livedfor 25 years at Henley Beach, wherehe served on the local police courtbench. For the past six months hehad lived at Prospect. Mr. Wool-cock was born at Burra, and spenthis early life at Moonta. As headgardener for the late Mr. WilliamTaylor he introduced the bananapassion fruit (Tacsonia Taylorii),and raised several chrysanthemumsfrom seed. He was also gardenerfor the late Sir Samuel Way atNorth Adelaide. Many years agohe was responsible for convertingan old cemetery at Murray street,Gawler into a recreation park.For more than 75 years he was con-nected with the Rechabite lodge,and was a Druid for 50 years. Hemet with an accident 25 years ago,and while an invalid learnt to knit,and has knitted many pairs of socksfor soldiers in the last and this war.He married Miss Emma Smith, ofMontacute, and they celebrated the63rd anniversary of their weddinglast October. He left a widow, threesons—Messrs. A. H. Woolcock(Grange), E. F. Woolcock (Clare),E. J. R Woolcock (Unley), andMesdames A. W. Geue and R. J.Geue (Henley), and P. S. Clode(Henley).
Birth8 Jan 1862, Adelaide, SA
Death18 Oct 1943, Norwood, SA74020 Age: 81
Marriage5 Oct 1878, Wesleyan Church, Kent Town, SA74019