Lehmann Henschke - Person Sheet
NameRINTOUL, James 
Birthca 1855
Death18 Dec 1919, Claremont, WA74862 Age: 64
Burial19 Dec 1919, Karrakatta Cemetery, Perth, WA74863
The Fremantle Times (WA : 1919 - 1921; 1932) Wed 31 Dec 191974863
THE LATE MR. JAMES EINTOUL.The funeral of the late Mr. JamesRinloul, for many years manager ofMessrs. Millars' Timber and Trading CoClaremont, took pl;toe on Friday afternoon, December 19 th, and was largelyattended. The deceased, who was in his(64th year, was born at Bendigo, Victoria,and during his 20 years residencein the Claremont district, he had' mademany friends and was most popular withall classes. Mr. Rintoul was formerlya member of the North FremantleLodge, and later the Claremonit Lodgof the United Ancient Order of Druidsin which Order he took a keen interestbeing ait one time Past District President. He was also a Brother of theTarbolton Lodge, S.C., of Freemasonsand a member of the Claremont Horticultural SocieHy. He leaves one daughter,his wife having pre-deceascd him by tenyears. The funeral cortege moved fromthe residence of Mrs. E. Graham, "Utanaya," Albert-street, Claremont, and proceededto the Karrakatta Cemeterywhere the remains were interred in theWesleyan portion. The Rev. A. WBrsay officiated at the graveside. Thechief mourners were:—Miss Una G. Rin-toul (daughter), and Messrs. G. H. Jackssonand A. L. Burgess. The pallbearers were:—Wor. Bros. J. BellR.W.M., and A. L. Smith, S.W., of Tarbolton Lodge, S.C., Bros. H. F. HinklevC. H. Beck, of Claremonit Lodge, TJ.AO.D., and Messrs. J. Morris and J. Cole(Millars' T. and T. Co.), and E. Hodgson,and A. C- Ferris. The coffin-bear-ers were:—Bros. W. H. Morey, H. A1dis, W. Opie, W. Edmed (of ClaremontLodge, U-A.O.D.). Amongst those present were:—Messrs. C. Angell, E. Brigdale,W. S. Craig, T. Madigan, MaxSmith, Evans (North Fremantle Branch)A. Styles and J. Cameron (all of Mil-lans' T. and T. Co., Per'th and branches),D. Dewar (Claremont Horticultural Society),J. A. Thomas (Thomas Bros.) GB. Maisev (Town Clerk), T. Hill, RossR. J. Smith, B. Johnson, A. L. Hickeyand others. Many beautiful wreathsfrom various bodies and friend s wereplaced on 'the grave, and numerous letters,telegrams, and cards of condolencehave been received by the bereaveddaughter. The funeral arrangementswere carried out by Messrs. Arthur EDavie s and Co., of Fremantle and Clare-mont.
The West Australian (Perth, WA : 1879 - 1954) Sat 18 Dec 192074862
RINTOUL.- In ever loving memory of ourdear father, James Rintoul, who passed awayat Claremont, December I8, 1919Inserted by his, loving daughter and son-inlaw, Una and George Jackson
Birth10 Feb 1855, SA74859
Death26 Dec 1909, Claremont, WA74860 Age: 54
Marr MemoAleviena Louisa Maria