Lehmann Henschke - Person Sheet
NameCHALMERS, Elizabeth (Betsy) 
Birthca 1832, Stronsey, Orkney Is10902
Immigration1852, ‘Adelaide’89028 Age: 20
BurialPresbyterian Cemetery, South Rhine, SA89030
The Advertiser (Adelaide, SA : 1889 - 1931) Mon 27 May 192989028
OBITUARY.Mrs. Lyddon. who died at her resi-dence, Springton, on May 22, in her98th year, was born at Stronsey, Ork-ney Islands. She was married in1851 to Mr. Peter Sinclair, of Stron-sey. He and his wife and his fathersailed for South Australia in the shipAdelaide and arrived at Port Adelaidein January, 1852. Mr. Sinclair andhis father went to work for Mr. AlanBell, at Mount Barker. At the end ofsix months they went to Mount Craw-ford to work for Mr. David Randell.After six months at Mount CrawfordMr. Sinclair and his father went tothe Victorian diggings, but were notamong the successful ones, and Mr.Sinclair, sen., died there. His sonreturned to Mount Crawford, wherehe afterwards lost his life as the re-sult of a fall from a horse. Afterhaving spent nine years at MountCrawford the widow settled in theSprington district, and there marriedMr. William Lyddon, who died nearlyfive years ago at the age of 85.Mrs. Lyddon was highly respected andher home was noted for its hospitality.By the first marriage Mrs. Lyddon hadthree children, one son and twodaughters. The son, Mr. James Sin-clair, lost his life in a mine accidentat Broken Hill. The daughters areMrs. W. Watkins. of Sanderson, andMrs. T. Fuller, of Dawson. Fromthe second marriage she had threesons and four daughters. The sur-viving children are Messrs. WilliamLyddon, of Cambrai, John and PeterLyddon, of Springton, and Mrs. JohnVigar, of Lameroo.
Immigration1852, ‘Adelaide’89028
Marriage1851, Orkney Is, Scotland89028
Birthca 1839, Somerset, England10902
MemoBarton Court
Christen8 Dec 1839, Brompton Ralph, Somerset75729 Age: <1
Immigration8 Apr 1855, ‘Lady McDonald’10902 Age: 16
BurialPresbyterian Cemetery, South Rhine, SA10902,89026
Marriage27 Feb 1863, Residence Of Rev J Gardner, Adelaide, SA10902,89031
Marr MemoChambers