Lehmann Henschke - Person Sheet
NameMEINKE, Ida Maria Sophie 
Birth1855, Tanunda, SA19290
Chronicle (Adelaide, SA : 1895 - 1954) Thu 21 Jul 1938
98474Mrs. I. M. S. Hannemann
Mrs. Ida M. S. Hannemann (nee
Meinke), who died on July 4 at Hart-
ley Lodge, Quorn. at
the age of 82. wasone of the district's oldest inhabi-tants. Born near Tanunda, she mar-ried August C. L. Hannemann in 1877,at Gawler River, and went north,settling on the land between Bruceand Hammond. In 1855 they shiftedfurther north to Wyacca to the homenow occupied by Mrs. A. S. Kidman. In1900 they removed again to the WestCoast, taking up land near Cleve,where Mr. Hannemann died in 1928.Mrs. Hannemann then left Cleve toreside. with her daughter, Mrs. E. G.Williams, North Quorn. Deceasedhad 12 children, 29 grandchildren, andnine great-grandchildren. She wasburied in the Quorn cemetery. Twoof the children are deceased. Thoseliving are: — Otto (Mangalo), Paul andMartin (Cleve), George (Griffith,N.S.W.), Walter (North Adelaide),Ida, Mrs. A. Francis (North Adelaide),Mrs. E. G. Williams (Quorn), Miss F.Williams (Everard Central), Mrs. H.Rule (Sydney), and Mrs. O. Eckert(Arden Vale).
Birth17 May 1851, SA98470
MemoCleve, SA
Marriage1877, Residence Of J Roediger, Gawler River, SA19290,98475