Lehmann Henschke - Person Sheet
NameSNODGRASS, Jean Pollock 
Birth27 Dec 1860, Bagot Well, SA101958
Daily Advertiser (Wagga Wagga, NSW : 1911 - 1954) Fri 10 Jul 1936
101960 MRS. R. BOURNE
The deaths took place
yesterdayafternoon at 31 Flinders street, Wagga,after a short illness, of Mrs. Jean Pol-lock Bourne, wife of Mr. RobertBourne, of "Oakleigh," Collingullie, atthe age of 75 years. Mrs. Bourne wasthe second daughter of the late Mr.and Mrs. James Snodgrass, of Uran-quinty. Mr. Snodgrass was twice mar-ried, and Mrs. Bourne was a daughterof the second marriage. She was bornin South Australia and came to NewSouth Wales with her husband in 1893.Mrs. Bourne leaves a husband andthree sons, William (Gumly), Edwardand Robert (Collingullie); threedaughters, Mrs George Lawrence(Junee), Mrs. Les Morrow, and Mrs.Sid Taylor (Collingullie); 29 grand-children and eight great-grandchildren.She is also survived by two brothersand one sister—Mr. Allan Snodgrass,of Mendooran and formerly of Uran-quinty; Mr. William Snodgrass, ofTrail street, Wagga, and Mrs. JamesBrown, of Bondi. Mrs. Bourne washighly esteemed by a wide circle ofrelatives and friends for her many kindactions. The funeral is appointed toleave St. Andrew's PresbyterianChurch, Wagga, at 3 o'clock this after-noon after a service starting at 2.45 forthe Presbyterian portion of the Waggacemetery.Daily Advertiser (Wagga Wagga, NSW : 1911 - 1954) Sat 9 Jul 1938
BOURNE.— In loving memory of our
dear mother, who died on July 9,
Two sad years of thinking
Of a loved one who has gone;Deep in our heart lives a pictureOf our dear mother gone to rest.Always Remembered.— Inserted by her loving daughtersand sons.
Birthca 1861
Immigration1878, ‘Hesperus’101910 Age: 17
MemoWagga Wagga, NSW
Marriage24 Oct 1883, St Matthew Church, Quorn, SA101920,101961