Lehmann Henschke - Person Sheet
NameHEAP, Henrietta 
Birthca 1873
Death30 Nov 1940, Springwood, NSW101968 Age: 67
BurialRookwood Cemetery, Lidcombe, NSW101968
Nepean Times (Penrith, NSW : 1882 - 1962) Thu 5 Dec 1940
101968 OBilTUARY
Mrs A. Snodgrass.
Mrs Henrietta Snodgrass,
wife ofMr Allan Snodgrass, of "The Bungalow," Bathurst Road, Springwood,passed away on Thursday, at the ageof 67 years.Deceased, who had been residing inSpringwood for some twelve months,formerly resided at Mendooran andWagga Wagga, and was a daughter ofthe late Mr and Mrs H. J. Heap, ofScotland. Born at Bungonia, nearGoulburn, deceased spent most of herlife at Wagga.At The Rock, in 1897, she marriedAllan Snodgrass, who survives.Sons and daughters of deceased are:Allan Les (Woollahra), Harold Ray-mond (Mangaphlagh, near Wagga),Bernard (Mendooran), Henrietta (MrsJorgensen, Hay), and Douglas James(Mendooran).The late Mrs Snodgrass also leavestwo brothers, Messrs. John and HarryHeap, both of Wagga, and one sister,Mrs Bye, of Manly. Two other sisters,Mrs Bryen (Newcastle) and Mrs A.Bye (Wagga), predeceased her.In her earlier days, deceased took ahelpful part in public life, but dur-ing the past year her health did notpermit of tltis activity, arid she was con-tent to admire the trees and flowerswhich she loved, but which she wasunable to tend through her failinghealth.After a service at the PresbyterianChurch, conducted by Rev. G. F.Buckley, the remains were taken toRookwood, on Friday last, and cre--mated. Mr Buckley conducted theservice there.
Birth27 Dec 1860, Bagot Well, SA101958
MemoDunedoo, NSW