Lehmann Henschke - Person Sheet
NameLANGE, Maria Dorothea Friedricka (Sophia) 
MemoKlemzig, SA
Death3 Nov 1930, Woorak, Vic104794 Age: 71
The Horsham Times (Vic. : 1882 - 1954) Fri 7 Nov 1930
104794General regret was expressed on
Monday throughout the Woorak dis-
trict and in Nhill when it became
known that Mrs. Marie Sophia Doro=
thea Henseleit, aged 71 years, wife of
Mr. C. W. Hens
leit, had passed awayat her residence. She was born atKlemzich, S.A., and was married atMount Gambier in 1882. After residingin the Millicent district with her hus=band for a short period, they migratedto Victoria, where Mr. Henseleit select-ed land at Woorak, and where they re=sided until 1922, when Mr. Henseleitretired, and they came to live in Nhill.
Birth3 Oct 1851
Death22 Apr 1939, Winiam, Vic104793 Age: 87