Lehmann Henschke - Person Sheet
NameLIEBELT, Johann Gottfried 
Immigration18 Nov 1838, ‘Prince George’6230 Age: 3
Death3 Jul 1919, Murray Bridge, SA1366,9455 Age: 83
Burial6 Jul 1919, Murray Bridge, SA1961
MemoSection East Main Path-Plot/Grave/Niche 233
South Australian Register (Adelaide, SA : 1839 - 1900) Sat 27 Jun 1857
9456On the 25th June, at the Office of the District Regis-
trar (Dr. Baruh), Inverbrackie, Johann Gottfried Liebelt,
bachelor, 21 years, farmer, of Hahndorf, to M
aria Doro-thea Zimmerman, spinster, aged 17 years, of Lobethal.
The Mount Barker Courier and Onkaparinga and Gumeracha Advertiser (SA : 1880 - 1954)
A very old
and esteemed resident ofMurray Bridge and a colonist since 1838,died on the 3rd July, in the person of Mr.Johann Gottfried Liebelt, who was inhis 84th year. The deceased was bornon the 12th August, near Zillchan,Germany, and arrived in this State onthe 25th November, 1838, in the first shipto bring German immigrants to Aus-tralia, the Prince George, which waschartered by the late George Fife Angas.Mr. Liebelt was married in the year1857 to Maria Dorothea Zimmermann,and they had 9 children. One son diedin infancy, and the only daughter died atthe age of 17 years. Mrs. Liebelt diedon the 3rd of September, 1916. Theseven surviving sons are Messrs. A.Liebelt, W. Liebelt, Alf. Liebelt, G.(Fred) Liebelt, H. Liebelt, C. Liebelt,and J. Liebelt, all of Murray Bridge.There are also 26 grandchildren and fivegreat grandchildren. The deceased isbelieved to be the last pioneer of the firstthree ships which arrived in South Aus-tralia with German immigrants. Thefuneral took place on the 6th inst., andwas very largely attended.
Birth18 Jan 1840, Throwe, Posen, Prussia1366
Immigration21 Dec 1847, ‘Gellert’399,400 Age: 7
Death3 Sep 1916, Murray Bridge, SA1366 Age: 76
Burial4 Sep 1916, Murray Bridge, SA1961
MemoSection East Main Path-Plot/Grave/Niche 233
Marriage25 Jun 1857, Registry Office, Inverbrackie, SA9456