Lehmann Henschke - Person Sheet
NameSHERLOCK, Matthew 
Birth8 Apr 1820, Carrick-On-Suir, County Tipperary, Ireland112424
Immigration19 Aug 1859, ‘Sultana’53424 Age: 39
Memoarrived Fremantle; transported convict
BurialNavan Catholic Cemetery, Riverton, SA848
Southern Cross (Adelaide, SA : 1889 - 1954) Fri 22 Jul 1921
112424 SHERLOCK.—On the 1st July, at
Navan, M
atthew Sherlock, belovedFix this texthusband of Mary Sherlock, aged 101years. R.I.P.Immaculate Heart of MaryOffer your prayers for him;Oh, Sacred Heart of Jesus,Have Mercy on his soul.
Southern Cross (Adelaide, SA : 1889 - 1954) Fri 22 Jul 1921
112424 OBITUARY.
CRIMEAN VETERAN.The death of Mr. Matthew Sherlock,whioh occurred at Iris residence,Navan, aged 101 years, removes an-other Crimean veteran; Born at Car-rick-on-Suir, County Tipperary, Ire-land, on 8th Apriil, 1820, he left homeat the age of 18 years; and went toAmerica, and later returned to Ireland,where he enlisted for service in Gib-raltar. He was also stationed in Ire-land, England, Canada, and India. Hewas two years in the Crimea, andserved under Lord Raglan, Sir RichardEngham, and Sir William Aire. Hewas engaged In the Battle of Mahara-japore, India, on December ,29, 1843;and in the Crimea in the Battle ofAlma, September 20, 1854; charge ofBalaclava, October 25, 1854; Battle ofInkerman, Noveaatoer 5; 1854; and cap-ture of Sebastopol, September 8, 1855.He served in the 39th Dor-setshire Regiment. After theCrimea he went to Canada andJack", many people not knowing hisland. Mr. Sherlock came to WesternAustralia in 1858 in the Europa. Laterhe came to South Australia, and livedround Marrahel and Kapunda districtsfor nearly 60 years. He was a finely -built man, and was known as "SoldierJack," many people - not knowing hisname. He was able to get up to theday of his death. A widow and ninechildren survive him.—Rest in peace.
Birthca 1855
BurialNavan Catholic Cemetery, Riverton, SA14186