Lehmann Henschke - Person Sheet
NameMULLER, Susanna 
Birth1863, Zurich, Switzerland114331
Immigration15 Dec 1884, ‘John Elder’ Age: 21
Recorder (Port Pirie, SA : 1919 - 1954) Wed 27 Nov 1935
Spent 54 Year
s in ThisDistrict
Mrs. Sussanna Vonow, who died re-cently at Warnertown at the age of72, had spent 54 years in the neigh-borhood of Pirie, and was well-knownand highly respected.She was born at Zurich, Switzer-land, in 1863, and was the daughterof a Mr. Muller, who had a smallholding in the district. She marriedMr. Conrad Vonow, and the youngcouple migrated to Australia withtheir infant son.After arrival in South Australiathey took up a block in Hundred ofPirie, and late Mr. Vonow enteredupon a share-farming venture with Mr.Paul Johns at Pirie East. The Vonowsendured many hardships, but reso-lutely fought their way along.Their next-move was to LowerBroughton, but crops failed badlythere, and they were forced to sellout. More profitable was their farm-ing at Warnertown, and Mr. Vonowerected the fine home in which thelast years of his life and those of hiswife were spent.Mr. Vonow was just beginning toenjoy the fruits of his life's laborwhen he died 15 years ago. His widowenjoyed good health until about sixweeks before her death, which oc-curred at her home. She was buriedwith her husband and a son in thelittle cemetery at Warnertown.Mrs. Vonow was a devout churchworker. She was one of the founda-tion members of the Lutheran Churchat Crystal Brook, and was responsiblefor many quiet acts of charity.Five sons and two daughters areleft. They are: Messrs. John, Harry,and Allan (Warnertown), Edward(Adelaide), and Herbert (Senate roadsouth, Pirie), Mesdames H. W.Blieschke (Senate road, Pirie West),and A. Traeger (Edilillie, West Coast).There are 15 grandchildren
Immigration15 Dec 1884, ‘John Elder’114328 Age: 23