Lehmann Henschke - Person Sheet
NameSCHUBERT, Johann Gottfried 
Birth25 Sep 1825, Klemzig, Brandenburg, Prussia
Immigration18 Nov 1838, ‘Prince George’8675 Age: 13
Chronicle (Adelaide, SA : 1895 - 1954) Sat 27 Jul 19129819
A COLONIST OF 1839.EUDUNDA, July 18.— Mr. Johann Gott-fried Schubert died this week as the re-sult of an accident. Mr. Schubert arrivedin 1839, at the age of 13, with his parents.He was born at Zilchan, Germany, in 1826,and attained the age of 86 years. PortAdelaide on his arrival consisted of a fewmud huts. His father settled at Klemzig,in the first instance, afterwards removingto Langweil, near Tanunda. For manyyears Mr. Schubert farmed at North Rhineand Neales Flat, but for the last 20 yearshe had been living with his children, andfor seven years with his son, Mr. W.Schubert, of Peep Hill. He was married in1849 to Miss Louise Diedrich, of Tanunda,who died 15 years ago. There were ninechildren, namely: — Messrs. W. and J. G.Schubert, of Peep Hill, F. Schubert(Bower), G. Schubert (Tanunda), Mrs.Pryzibilla (Farrell's Flat), Mrs. ATscharke (Eudunda), Mrs. Zerna (Mel-bourne), the late Mrs. A. T. Jenke (PeepHill), and Miss Schubert, who is also dead.There are 56 grandchildren and 26 great-grandchildren.The old gentleman had occasionto rise during the night, and whenoutside he slipped and fell. The inmatesof the house did not hear him go out, andhe was not discovered until early morning.When, found his speech had left him, andhe failed to regain it before dying six dayslater. When he fell he broke one ofhis arms and dislocated his hip. He didnot feel any pain, and the time betweenthe accident and his death was passed asin a peaceful slumber. Mr. Schubert hadlived ia the district for over 30 years.
Birth15 Aug 1829, Gross Tinz, Liegnitz, Silesia8675
Immigration18 Sep 1845, ‘Heerjeebhoy Rustomjee Patel’8675,3344 Age: 16
Death24 Feb 1897, Peep Hill, SA8675,9821 Age: 67
Marriage11 Sep 1849, Langmeil, SA9822