Lehmann Henschke - Person Sheet
NameSTRACKE, Marie 
Birth15 Oct 1861, Gablong, Bohemia14023
Immigration7 Jan 1877, ‘Caesar Godeffroy’14023 Age: 15
Burial4 Jan 1920, Methodist Cemetery, Broken Hill, NSW116785
Barrier Miner (Broken Hill, NSW : 1888 - 1954) Sat 10 Jan 1920
116784 Mr. GEORGE KLEM, Senr. (South
Broken Hill), Mr. and Mrs. GEORGE
KLEM, Junr. (Booleroo Centre,South Australia), and Mr. andMrs. W. DAWES (Adelaide) wish toconvey their since Thanks to all whokindly regarded them in their recentsad loss and bereavement.
Barrier Miner (Broken Hill, NSW : 1888 - 1954) Sat 3 Jan 1920
116785 KLEM.-The FRIE
NDS of Mr. G.KLEM are respectfully informedthat the Funeral of his late belovedWIFE (Mary) will leave her late resi-dence, Patton, off Rockwell-street, onSUNDAY, at 11.30 o'clock, for theMethodist Cemetery.J POLKINGHORNE and CO.,Telephone 259. Undertakers.
KLEM.-The FRIENDS of Mr. andMrs. G. KLEM, Jun. (ofBooleroo Centre, S.A.), Mr. and Mrs.A. DAWES (of Adelaide) are respect-fully informed that the Funeral of theirlate MOTHER and MOTHER-IN-LAW(Mary) will leave her late residence,Patton, off, Rockwell-street, on SUN-DAY, at 11.30, o'clock for theMethodist Cemetery.J. POLKINGHORNE and CO.,Telephone 259. Undertakers.
KLEM.-The FRIENDS of Mr. andMrs. H. STRACHE (of MountCompass, S.A.) are respectfully in-formed that the Funeral of their lateSISTER and SISTER-IN-LAW (MaryKlem) will leave her late residence,Patton, off Rockwell-street, onSUNDAY, at 11.30 o'clock, for theMethodist Cemetery.J. POLKINGHORNE and CO.,Telephone 259. Undertakers.
KLEM.-The FRIENDS of Mr. andMrs. TOM COCKS are respect-fully informed that the Funeral oftheir late FRDEND (Mary Klem) willleave her late residence, Patton, offRockwell-street, on SUNDAY, at 11.30a.m., for the Methodist Cemetery.J. POLKINGHORNE and CO.,Telephone 259. Undertakers.PICTON LODGE, I.O.O.F.MEMBERS of the above are respect-fully informed that the Funeralof BRO. KLEM'S late WIFE (Mary)will leave her late residence, Patton,off Rockwell-street, on SUNDAY, at11.30 a.m., for interment in theMethodist Cemetery.
Marriage5 Mar 1889, St Peter Church, Broken Hill, NSW14023