Lehmann Henschke - Person Sheet
NameHEINZEL, Gottlob Gustav Adolph 
Birth7 Feb 1884, River Murray, SA116876
Death30 Apr 1946, Near Blanchetown, SA116877 Age: 62
Burial2 May 1946, Loxton, SA2663
MemoSection ROW 8
Leader (Angaston, SA : 1918 - 1954) Thu 4 Jul 1946
INQUESTInquest Into the death of AdolphGustav Heinzel, wood contractor,Wunkar, was opened at Truro onJune 24, as adjourned from May1. Mr E. D. McPhee presided andfound that deceased met his deathnear Blanchetown on April 30 last,when he was a passenger in a mo-tor buckboard driven by Mr Ern-est Hermann Heinrich, of Wunkar,and the vehicle came into collisionwith a motor truck driven by MrHerbert Johannes Steiner, Truro.Death was due to heart failure,following injuries. Mr McPheefound that Mr Heinrich's drivingwas negligent, hut insufficiently soto call for further action. Mr Mar-tin appeared for the estate of MrHeinzel, who was a married mailaged 61, with four children. MrR. Newman appeared for Mr Hein-rich; Mr V. R. Millhouse for MrSteinerl: and Insp. Bonython forthe Police. Statements and reportwere furnished by MC Schwerdt,Blanchetown.