Lehmann Henschke - Person Sheet
NameGREGORY, Jane 
Birth16 May 1827, South Pethern, North Devonshire, England117007
Immigration1837, ‘South Australian’117007 Age: 9
Death19 Jun 1914, Booleroo Centre, SA117007,28386 Age: 87
The Advertiser (Adelaide, SA : 1889 - 1931) Tue 23 Jun 1914
117009On Friday last at Booleroo Centre Mrs.
Dobney, a colonist of 78 years, died, having
attained the a
ge of 88 years. Mrs. Dobneywas horn in the parish of South Pethern,Devonshire, in 1826, her father being aNonconformist minister (Rev. William Gre-gory), who died when Mrs. Dobney wasonly two years old. Her mother mar-ried again, and her second husband wasMr. William Gregory, though no relationto the first husband. The family cameto South Australia in 1838 in the Swallow,a ship subsequently known as the SouthAustralian. Mrs. Dobney saw the old Go-vernment House burnt down, and, remem-bered when Hindley-street consisted ofonly a few weatherboard houses. Afterher marriage to Mr. Dobney, she lived atGawler, Kapunda, Burra, Moonta, andfinally at Booleroo Centre. She left ninesons and daughters, 23 grandchildren, and20 great-grandchildren. Twelve monthsago about 60 of the local residents as-sembled in the Methodist Sunday Schoolto celebrate the 87th anniversary of Mrs.Dobney's birthday, and she was the reci-pient of many gifts. She was for manyyears a member of the Methodist Church,and until eight months ago was a regularattendant.
Birthca 1813, Leicester, England28386
Immigration1838, ‘Canton’28386 Age: 25
Death6 Nov 189728386 Age: 84
BurialSilverton, NSW28386
Marriage16 Jun 1845, Congregational Chapel, Adelaide, SA117007,117008