Lehmann Henschke - Person Sheet
NamePEARCE, Eliza 
The Horsham Times (Vic. : 1882 - 1954) Tue 13 Jan 1903
117015one of the pioneers
of the to
wnship; the late Mrs. Broadribb,who died at Gumeracha recently, arrived inSouth Australia by the ship Hartley. Mrs.Broadribb's baby was one of the first whitechildren born in the province, and it waschristened at St. John's Church, then aweatherboard edifice of most primitiveconstruction. Mr. and Mrs. Broadribbwitnessed the first execution in Adelaide,and the deceased lady remembered thefirst mob of cattle arriving from New SouthWales. She and her husband went toGumeracha to reside 53 years ago, and it is34 years since Mr. Broadribb passed away.Mrs. Broadribb was born in Somerset,England, and was in her eighty-seventhyear. She has left five sons, who reside isin New South Wale., and three daughters,who reside in South Australia, togetherwith 63 grandchildren and 46 great grandchildren.
Chronicle (Adelaide, SA : 1895 - 1954) Sat 10 Jan 1903
117016 Mrs. Eliza Broadribb, who died at: Gume-
racha recently, was the relict, of Mr. Joseph
who died 34 years ago. Shewas a colonist of 65 years, having arrived inthe ship Hartley in 1837. Those wererough-and-ready days, the ladies having tobe carried ashore from the ship. Thecouple lived in a reed house at the rear ofthe present government House, and subse-quently resided at Fifth Greek and Gume-racha, arriving at the latter township in1850. Mr. and Mrs. Broadribb witnessedthe first hanging in South Australia. Theexecution was carried out in a most primi-.itive style, as instead of a trapdoor, thecriminal was placed on a trolly which wasdriven from underneath him, when the ropehad been adjusted about his neck. Mr. andMrs. Broadribb drove the first bullock drayladen with copper and silver from the land-ing-place at Glenelg to the Bank' of SouthAustralia. The deceased was a typicalpioneer colonist, and up to the time of herdeath, at the age of 86 years, was possessedof all her faculties. She left five sons andthree daughters, 69 grandchildren, and 46great-grandchildren.
Birth18 Apr 1804, North Bradley, Somerset25378
BurialSalem Baptist Cemetery, Gumeracha, SA25378