Lehmann Henschke - Person Sheet
NameMENDS, Robert 
Birth21 Jul 1824, London, Middlesex122309
Chronicle (Adelaide, SA : 1895 - 1954) Sat 30 Dec 1905122311
MENDS.— At his son-in-law's (Mr. Mazey) resi-
dence, North Croydon, Robert Mends, late of theBurra, after a painful illness, in his 82nd year.
The Advertiser (Adelaide, SA : 1889 - 1931) Thu 28 Dec 1905122309
Mr. Robert Mends, who died recentlyat the residence of his daughter (Mrs.W. A. Mazey, North Croydon, wasborn in London on July 21, 1824, and hereceived a university education. Whenseventeen years of age he obtained a com-mission as ensjgn in H.M. 99th Foot Regi-ment, and in a short time with his regi-ment he went to Sydney, Major Last beingcommanding officer. A few months later,with a detachment of his regiment, he wentto Norfolk Island, and remained there forabout nine years, and was promoted to asenior lieutenancy. He returned to Lon-don in 1851 and sold his commission. Sub-sequently he went to Western Australia,where an uncle was Deputy CommissaryGeneral. On \leaving the West he cameto South Australia, and in February, 1853,i obtained employment under Mr. F. H. Dut-ton at Anlaby. After working on theI station for ten years he went to Victoria,and a year later returned to South Aus-tralia and opened schools at the Burraand Robertstown. Fortune smiled on him,as he received a legacy from Englandwhich placed him in an independent posi-tion, and he removed to Prospect, where helived in retirement sixteen years. For thelast twelve months he had been at NorthCroydon. In June last he received newsfrom England that he was one of thirteenbeneficiaries of a sum of money that hadbeen in Chancery since 1851, and his sharecame to hand six weeks ago. For thelast month he had been confined to hi»room. He left two daughters-Mrs. W. A.Mazey, with whom he had lived for a num-ber of years, Mrs. J. Rowe, of Port Pirie—one son (Mr. James Mends, of Adelaide),and one grandchild.
Birthca 1844
Death22 Dec 1910, Eastwood, SA122312 Age: 66
Marriage23 Feb 1862, Catholic Chapel, Light, SA122313